Cycle track in Astana

Cycle track in Astana

Cycle track in Astana is a sports facility of national importance. Originally made in the form of a cyclist’s helmet and recognized by design and architecture as one of the most beautiful buildings. The cycle track was built in 2011 and is located on the left bank of Ishim in the capital of Kazakhstan — Astana. During the construction, innovative technologies were used, and with waterproofing and finishing modern materials.

The total area of ​​the facility is 44.9 thousand square meters, of which 4,188 thousand sq. m are under the rolling stock, and 626.5 and 316.4 sq. m respectively for the boiler house and power unit. The track cycle complex includes the following facilities: a storage for track bicycles, a roller, a track, a restaurant, a hotel, a fitness center, boxing, play and gymnasiums, mini football fields and office spaces with a conference room. The capacity of the facility is about 9195 seats.

The building is multi-profile — within 2-3 days you can change the purpose and functionality of the sports arena in the center of the track, depending on the specifics of the event. Here, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, basketball or a concert can take place.

The cycling track has a wooden covering made of Siberian cedar. Before laying the cloth, the material was aged for 2 years in special chambers and treated with a special chemical composition to protect the tree from external influences.

The length of the cover is 250 m, width — 7 m. The track of the cycling track has an inclination of 42 degrees in all corners, and 12.5 degrees on a flat site for the convenience of cyclists on bicycles. Traffic on the cycle track always goes counter-clockwise.